What is this blog about?

This blog contains a collection of Vocabulary Vines created by students at Rio Vista Middle School. The vocabulary chosen was selected by each group of students based on our schools Words to Know In Middle School selection. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This is Ryan and Angel's end of the year project.  We had to illustrate the definition of the word "hypothesis."

Monday, June 13, 2016

This is a video we had to do. From Nathalie & Zayali it had to only be 6 seconds. The word we had to do was experiment.  Well hope you guys like it.
This is Zayali, and Nathalie 6 second vine video. We used the word "capture" we really enjoyed making this video 

     Lizzie and Bryannas 6 second vocabulary vine.  We did our vocabulary vine on the word experiment.